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Welcome to www.selbuslekt.no and www.setsaas.no
This is the official Setsaas' genealogical website including 4383 persons, 1628 families and 1637 photos (29.05.2019), all related or married into the Setsaas family. Also the branches of married people are included. Time of origin is appr. 1600 in Selbu community in the county of Troendelag Norway. Our aim is that this site will be the leading genealogical website for Selbu county. In this respect we want to share our knowledge and collaborate with other genealogical researchers with roots to Selbu.
The portrait to the left is Christen Setsaas (1814-1893), nicknamed Gammel-saasen, who bought and and gathered the Setsaas farms into one large farm in the mid 1800. Read more about this and him by following the link up to the left.
The picture up right is the farm Setsaas east, taken appr. around 1910. The farm is now run by Christen Setsaas' 3 x great granddaughter (6 generation) Bente Setsaas.
Due to the large emmigration from Norway we have listed many of our american relatives in the database.
This information is not publicly available. All descendents and their families and other with special interest will become username and password upon request. Please use the Register for User an account button at the top. Fill out the form completely (except for website if you haven't one) otherwise we will not respond to you request. Please indicate your relationship (your dob, mothers name and dob and fathers name and dob) to the Setsaas-family or why you want access. Within few days you will receive our reply.
Please notify us when if changing email-adress. Otherwise your account will be disabled.
Unused account will be disabled after two years.
We are continuesly working to improve our website, please send us your comments. Are you interested in geneological research and want to contribute to this site? Please contact us for further collaboration!
Forgotten your password? Send us an email and your password will be sent to your email adress. If you have changed your email adress please send us an email and we will handle this manually.
This website was constructed by Michael Setsaas and as per his own wishes the work continues on by his daughter, Wenche Setsaas
Official e-mail address to this website: slekt(a)setsaas.no
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